We help creators thrive
CreativeMindClass powers creators by providing a teaching platform and community in one connected space. Creative professionals worldwide use CreativeMindClass to turn their small businesses into global empires.

Hi there. We're CreativeMindClass, CMC for short, two creative geeks and dreamers who self-founded and built this video course platform for visual artists. Our story is your story. You want to share your unique skills with the world. You work to make a difference. We want the same thing.

The start of things
When founders Joanna and Adam left their 9 to 5s to start freelancing, they discovered that freelancers were spending most of their time doing many small, often not rewarding projects. Working on big dream projects was taking a backseat to less satisfying day-to-day tasks.
So Joanna and Adam built a tool to make it easier for freelancers to work on their passion projects. The result not only gave the creative business owners clarity about what to do and how but also time back to focus on the big ideas. Soon after, they founded CreativeMindClass to spend their time building solutions to make it possible for more creatives to work on their dream projects by creating a source of a passive income.

What's in a name?
'Creative Mind' refers to the ability of limitless creative thinking that makes life happier, more interesting, fulfilled and well... more fun. We make it possible for everybody by giving an individual platform for teaching with video lessons, exercises and feedback where everybody is a part of the learning process hence the 'Class'.
The ever-intriguing and limitless ability of a human brain to create reminds us of the infinite Universe and the need for space exploration. We decided to dedicate our theme to the cosmos, spaceships, and the stary galaxy.
The name is straightforward and easy to remember but also veeeeery long. It doesn't fit in the Twitter user name field- but we love it and regret nothing!

Where is our office?
To build the platform, the founders took a long trip through Europe to work with no interruptions. With a clarity of mind and a different perspective on things, in October 2019, they gave the first breath of life to CreativeMindClass, made the first sketches of the interface, and wrote the first lines of code.
CreativeMindClass' home is in The Netherlands, but we work 100% remotely and operate globally. We don't have a traditional office, and we don't really need it at the moment.

Who is CreativeMindClass for?
Create Mind Class is designed to serve as an online video teaching platform for an independent, strong, and self-aware content creator with a significant social media following.
We want to embrace uniqueness and provide tools to achieve artists' individual goals rather than grouping artists or implanting the pressure of creating content that "fits".
We develop relations with visual creators through an ongoing commitment to help make creativity not only a passion but also a way of making a prosperous living.

Our mission. What is it all about?
The spark and essence of Creative Mind Class come from an unlimited and unbounded dream-like place where everything is possible.
We want to keep building a place where people can share their skills, build a community of like-minded people, and gain more time to work on their dream projects by creating a source of passive income.
We've noticed that creative projects make our lives happier, and we want to advocate and spread this thought to everyone. We believe that it's the missing puzzle responsible for bringing happiness and balance to the modern work life.
CreativeMindClass is an ever-growing community of creators, teachers, and students alike, who join each other on the online course platform to create, teach, learn, connect and inspire.